Scissor Kicks

Scissor kicks are an effective core exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles, especially the lower abs and hip flexors. The exercise involves moving the legs back and forth like scissors, which also improves core stability, balance and flexibility. This exercise is great for shaping and toning your midsection.

Correct form and technique

How to perform scissor kicks correctly:

  1. Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides or your hands under your hips for extra support.
  2. Lift both legs a few centimeters off the ground, and keep your back flat against the floor to avoid swaying in the lower back.
  3. Begin to alternate between lifting one leg up to 45 degrees while lowering the other towards the ground, but do not touch the floor.
  4. Continue to alternate legs in a smooth, controlled motion, like a scissor.

Keep your core tight and make sure your whole back is kept down to the floor throughout the exercise to avoid strain on the lower back.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Lumbar Sway: Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly against the floor to protect your back and maximize core activation.
  • For fast movement: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner to focus on proper muscle engagement and avoid injury.
  • Low activation of the core: Engage the core muscles throughout the exercise to get the most out of the movement.

Modifications and variations

Adapt the exercise to your fitness level:

  • Beginners: Perform the exercise with bent knees to reduce the strain on the lower back.
  • Advanced: For an extra challenge, you can lower your legs closer to the ground or perform the exercise with ankle weights to increase the intensity.

Number of repetitions and sets

Perform 15-20 repetitions per leg or work for 30-60 seconds for 3-4 sets , depending on your fitness level. Gradually increase the intensity by lowering your legs closer to the ground.

Breathing technique

Breathe in when you lower your leg, and breathe out when you lift it. This helps you keep your core stable and your movement controlled.

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