King Pigeon Bag

King Pigeon Pose , or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana , is an advanced yoga pose that combines a deep hip opening with a backbend. This position stretches the hips, quadriceps, chest and shoulders while improving flexibility and balance. It is known to be a powerful and deep stretch, particularly beneficial for opening up the body after long periods of sitting or stiffness.

Correct technique

How to perform King Pigeon Pose :

  1. Start in Downward Facing Dog and lift your right leg up and back.
  2. Bring the right knee forward towards the right hand and place the right foot close to the left hip. Stretch your left leg straight back on the floor.
  3. Keep your hips parallel to the mat. Breathe in deeply as you lift your upper body up and open your chest.
  4. To go into full King Pigeon , bend your left knee and bring your left foot toward your head. Use your left hand to grasp the foot or use a strap for extra support.
  5. Keep your gaze upward, draw your shoulder blades together and lift your chest to deepen the backbend. Hold for 5-10 breaths before switching sides.

Common mistakes

  • Hip misalignment : Make sure your hips stay square to the mat and don't rotate too much out to the side.
  • Lumbar Collapse : Keep your core engaged to protect your lower back, and lengthen your spine using your upper body strength.
  • Too early to attempt the backbend : Be sure to warm up with hip openers and backbends before going into the full version of the King Pigeon.

Modifications and variations

Here are some modifications to make King Pigeon more accessible:

  • Support under the hip : If it is difficult to keep the hip on the floor, use a block or blanket under the hip for support.
  • Using a strap : If it is difficult to reach the foot with the hands, use a strap around the foot to help with the backward bend.
  • Basic Pigeon : If the full King Pigeon is too intense, you can perform the classic Pigeon Pose without the backbend.

Video demonstrations

1. King Pigeon Pose Step-by-Step (Women)

A simple tutorial showing how to gradually master the King Pigeon Pose from a safe hip opening to the full backbend.

2. Full King Pigeon Pose Tutorial

A comprehensive guide explaining techniques to get into the full version of King Pigeon Pose and work on balance and flexibility.

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold King Pigeon Pose for 5-10 breaths, and repeat 2-3 times on each side. This position should be done towards the end of a warm-up yoga practice to maximize flexibility.

Breathing technique

Inhale deeply as you lift your chest and go into the backbend, and exhale to deepen the stretch. Keep your breathing calm and steady to maintain balance in the pose.

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