
Cow Face Pose , or Gomukhasana , is a seated yoga position that opens the hips and shoulders as deeply as possible, while at the same time stretching the arms and back. This position is particularly effective for increasing flexibility in both the hips and shoulders, helping to balance the body and release tension in these areas.

Correct technique

How to perform Gomukhasana :

  1. Sit on the mat and cross your right leg over your left so that both knees are stacked on top of each other and your feet point out to the sides.
  2. Stretch your right arm up above your head, and bring your left arm behind your back. Try holding your hands behind your back or use a strap for support.
  3. Keep your back long and breathe deeply. Try to avoid the shoulders collapsing forward. Hold the position for 5-10 breaths before switching sides.

Common mistakes

  • Raised hips : Make sure both sit bones are planted on the floor. If it is difficult, you can use a block or a blanket under the hips for support.
  • Shoulders that extend forward : Be sure to pull your shoulder blades down and back to keep your upper body straight and stable.
  • Too close positioning of the legs : If the hips are tight, push the feet slightly away from the body to relieve the tension.

Modifications and variations

Here are some modifications that can make Gomukhasana more accessible:

  • Use a strap : If you can't grip your hands behind your back, use a yoga strap to extend your reach.
  • Supported hips : Place a block or blanket under the hips for better support and balance.

Video demonstrations

1. Learn Cow Face Pose step-by-step

Here you get a thorough instruction of Gomukhasana with a focus on correct technique and variations.

2. Yoga journal guide to Cow Face Pose

A great tutorial on how to use Gomukhasana to open your shoulders and hips.

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold the position for 5-10 breaths per side, and repeat 2-3 times if desired. Use this position as part of a longer yoga practice or after a tough hip-opening session.

Breathing technique

Inhale deeply as you extend your arms, and exhale as you sink deeper into the stretch. Control your breathing to help your body relax and strengthen your posture.

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