Banded Push-Up

Today's exercise is Banded Push-Up , a challenging variation of the classic push-up that provides increased resistance and builds strength in the chest , shoulders , triceps and core muscles . By using a resistance band, the muscles are activated more effectively throughout the movement, making this exercise an excellent choice for both strength and muscle endurance.

Correct Technique for Banded Push-Up

1. Place a resistance band across your upper back and hold the ends under your hands in a plank position with your hands shoulder width apart.
2. Tighten your core and keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.
3. Lower your chest toward the floor by bending your elbows, then push back up by extending your elbows. The resistance band will increase the resistance as you push up.

Common Errors

  • Weakened hips: Keep your hips stable and in line with your body throughout the movement to prevent them from sinking.
  • Elbows too far out: Make sure to keep the elbows close to the body to avoid strain on the shoulders.
  • Incorrect band resistance: Choose a band with the appropriate resistance that challenges you but that you can still control throughout the exercise.

Modifications and Variants

For beginners, you can perform the exercise on your knees to reduce the strain. Advanced athletes can use a tighter band or add explosive push-ups to further increase the intensity.

Repetitions and Sets

Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions, adjusting the resistance of the band or the number of repetitions based on your strength level.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you lower your body towards the floor, and exhale as you push yourself back up. Keep your breathing steady and controlled to maintain stability.

Videos showing the Banded Push-Up

Here is em video demonstrating the technique:

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